
Coffs Harbour Rifle Club has over 230 current members and is growing all the time. With very reasonable membership fees you have access to 3 ranges at 2 different locations on the Coffs Coast. The club caters for the following target shooting disciplines: Fullbore, Service rifle, F-Class, Field Class, Pistols and NRL22. Field Class, being the most popular, has both centerfire and rimfire events.

Fullbore: rifles are single shot precision target rifles in .308 cal. They have aperture rear sights and post or tubular front sights. They are shot in the prone position only.
Service Rifle: any military rifle up to 8mm calibre. The rifle and sights must be ‘as issued’.
F-Class: any rifle up to 8mm calibre. Any barrel, stock and sights are permitted, as is any type of front rest. Rear rest being a sand bag/bags or the shooter’s hand or arm They are shot in the prone position only.
Field Class centrefire: sporting/hunting type rifles up to 8mm calibre. Any sights are permitted and a 5-round capacity is required.
Field Class rimfire: sporting/hunting type rifles in .22 calibre. Any sights are permitted and a 5-round capacity is required.
Pistols (CatH): Rimfire and Centerfire pistols can be used  
NRL22 (National Rifle League .22): Any .22LR calibre rifle using standard velocity lead ammunition.


The rimfire range on Howard St lies 100m past Coffs Racing Club on the right. This 50m range is leased and is for .22 calibre rimfire rifles using only standard velocity or sub-sonic ammunition. Magnums are not permitted here. The range caters for Field Class and rimfire F-Class competitions. It is open on Wednesdays from 5:00 pm, with shooting commencing from 5:30 pm.

The centrefire range is at Dairyville and is owned outright by the club. The 80 acre shooting complex has a rimfire range with shooting mounds at 30m, 60m and 90m. The main range has shooting mounds at 100m, 200m, 300m, 400m, 500m and 600m. This range caters for all shooting disciplines as mentioned above. Part of the range is leased to the Coffs Harbour SSAA Club and Bellingen Pistol Club.



This is the most popular competition, held on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. Sign-on and set-up from 8:30am with match starting at 9am. This is for Service rifles and Field Class centrefire rifles. Shooting is from the standing position at 100m, sitting position at 200m and prone at 300m. Note: Field Class rimfire rifles may also be used at the 100m events.

The course of fire is as follows:

  • 2 sighters – one 20-second exposure of the target for each shot. These 2 shots are not scored.
  • 5 shots FORCED APPLICATION – one 20-second exposure of the target for each shot.
  • 5 shots TRAIN FIRE – one 60-second exposure of the target for all 5 shots.
  • 5 shots RAPID FIRE – one 30-second exposure of the target for all 5 shots.
  • 5 shots SNAP – one shot at each exposure of the target. Target will be up for 3 seconds only and down for between 5 and 10 seconds.


These events are held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. Sign-on and set-up from 12pm with the match starting at 12:30pm on the silver mountain electronic targets. Categories/Classes include – TR, F-Class OPEN, F-Class STANDARD, F/TR, Sporting/Hunting Class Shot at distances 300M, 400M, 500M and 600M

The course of fire is:

2x Sighters that you can convert to scoring shots. You can convert the last shot or both shots but you can not keep the first and cut the second. Let your scorer know what you want to do BEFORE placing your 3rd shot.

10x Scoring shots


The course of fire is done twice at each range, so the rifle has time to cool.

So total bullets needed if you don’t keep any of the sighters is 24.

NRL22 (National Rifle League .22)

These events on the 4th Sunday of each month Sighting in starting at 12pm and match kicking off at 1pm. Shooting is done on the Dairyville rimfire range with 22LR standard ammunition at Steel targets. At the start of each month there are 5 new stages released to shoot for that month, each stage has its own challenges with targets and barricades. Scores are impacts on steel targets that range in size from 0.25 inches up to 6 inches with varying distances up to 100 yards.

To see the current months Course Of Fire (COF) head to – https://nrl22.com/product-category/download/2025-season

Pistols (Cat H)

These events are currently held on the 1st Sunday and the 3rd Saturday of the month. The 1st Sunday match is shot after Fieldclass typically starting from 1pm. And we have a novice and a PPL match from 12-2pm on the 3rd Saturday this is the one to come to for a introduction to Pistol shooting. With a main match starting from 2pm on the 100m Dairyville range, located on the left-hand side of our main range between the 300 and 400m mounds. New matches will be on “trial”, as this is the newest addition to the Club. Rimfire, Centerfire and High Cal Pistol matches are shot at these events.




A range fee (being the club’s income) is payable to shoot at any club competition.

Members – Adults are $10 and Juniors (under 21) are $5.

Visitor rates – Adults are $20 and Juniors (under 21) $10.

Organised events, like Prize Shoots will have varying Entry fees that will be stated on the flyer for that event.

Approval Numbers

Club: 405835703

Pistols: 411791652

Hunting: 407435321

Collecting: 407435356

Howard St. range: 407794367

Dairyville range: 407871385