Coffs Harbour Rifle Club.
Results of the Pistol event (at 10m and 25m) held on Saturday, 17th September 2022 at the Dairyville range, with 19 participants.


Stuart D, 10m 25.0 – 25m 131

Matt Walsh, 10m 173.5 – 25m 122

Jake Buckley, 10m 124.0 – 25m 132

Wendy H, 10m 135.1 – 25m 123

Joel Walker, 10m 170.2 – 25m 123

Jacob Harvey, 10m 151.2 – 25m 121

John Lambert, 10m 182.1 – 25m 130

Alan Phillips, 10m 174.3 – 25m 131

Bradley K, 10m 147.1 – 25m 120

Doug Young, 10m 140.1 – 25m 122

Jess Hancock, 10m 164.1 – 25m 125.1

Michelle D, 10m 158.2 – 25m 124

Reede Corrigan, 10m 179.3 – 25m 142

Keegan E, 10m 122.0

Ben R, 10m 162.0 – 25m 130

Member 817, 10m 136.0

Sarah Jones, 10m 162.0

Ashley R, 10m 153.0 – 25m 128



Stuart D, 10m 152.1

Jess Hancock, 10m 122.0

David Malby, 10m 144.0 – 25m 127  

The Dairyville Range has Field Class on the 1st & 3rd Sunday of each month starting at 9:00am. Service Rifle is the 4th Sunday every second month starting at 9am. Long Range/F-Class on the 2nd & 4th Saturday each month starting at 12.30pm

The Howard Street Range has Field Class & F-Class Rimfire every Wednesday night starting at 5:30pm.
Contact the club secretary (Stuart Davidson) at or go to for more information.

Geoffrey Hart